Wednesday 22 August 2012


Hi and welcome to Gemma and Lovestrong's official homepage!

You will probably notice at one point or another that the url says:

lovestrong b e

... this is because when your on a site like this most names are already snagged up so you have to compromise creatively and what better way than have our two fave character's initials??

Onto a lighter note ...

Hi! I'm Charlie the Aussie admin on here, I'm a web design student who should really consider switching to psychology, hence why I probably should have made this myself instead of hijacking this place but oh well, I'm a lil bit cookey but you'll learn to love me and I like my sleep.

Next we have Jill (my Jilly Bean).
Jilly is in America and is Gem's Beta extraordinaire. She's an amazing woman who has a loved one fighting in Afghanistan and she is a little bit of a cat lady but we adore her and her crazy 'cause she's just that awesome that she cancels her crazy out.

And finally, we have the brains behind this beautiful piece of work ... ladies and, well ladies, please put your hands together for the author ...
who is all the way in Brit-land (Also known as England to you normal folks) with her crazy family and RL best friend, without whom Caketail would never have come about.

hmmm that's all I can think of that needs mentioning at the moment  except for telling you all that posting may differ through the week as Gem works odd shifts sometimes and there's a huge time difference between the 3 of us but that as soon as the email gets in my inbox letting me know Gem's posted, I will stick it up here too in case FFn.Net decides to not be your friend that week ... it's happened to me too :) .

Adios Amigos!

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